Sunday, August 24, 2008

I have finally arrived in Berlin! I definitely left my house in University Place at 4am and departed seattle at 6:30am, flew for 5 hours with a 4 hour layover before another 8 hr flight. After all of was only 9:30 am!!! A whole day still in front of me... it should be exciting but i am EXHAUSTED.

So you probably want fun, interesting stories...

My layover in New York was pretty fun. I got on the subway to explore. Looking at the map, Manhattan was only 4 stops away so I hopped on only to find that there were little dots in between the big dots! There were a LOT more than 4 stops so I decided to head back and I SAW A RAT RUNNING AROUND!!! you don't understand how much I wanted to see that rat! lol~ weird, i know, but i always wanted to ride the new york subway and see the rats that lived down there...

Now when I arrived in Germany I had to refresh myself so I asked a a cashier, "Wo ist eine toilette?" expecting a one-word answer and a finger pointing in the right direction. I don't understand why it took her PARAGRAPHS to explain where the bathroom GERMAN! Was my German really that good? haha~ then I laughed and asked again in English which she replied with a giggle and "downstairs." Much better.

. . .

I need to head back to the apartment now so I will finish this later :) Sorry for my lack of eloquence, I'm a little sleep-deprived at the moment. Can't wait to hear from everyone!


Anonymous said...


You made it through your first test in the Amazing Race-Honors Study Abroad Style!! I'm glad you found the toilette and where you are staying.

What does it look like? Definitely share with us all the cultural oddities for those of us who know nothing about German Culture!

I'm so glad we'll hear from you! I am thinking and praying for you! Have a great time! I'll write you back lots (:

Maggie Harlow

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel!

Does sound exciting! If you want to see more rats, just come to my house! We have some in the backyard. I'm glad you successfully made it to Germany, and I hope you have a great time exploring the German culture. Have fun! And make sure you remember where the bathroom is!!!

Sarah "The Mik Hawas" Kim