Monday, August 25, 2008

Cultural Oddities...(for Maggie)

I almost failed at the Amazing Race--Honors Special if it wasn't for a nice couple who let me borrow their phone. Everyone in Berlin is used to American tourists and are very kind and speak at least a little English.

Rewinding back to my last post, the restrooms are interesting because there is a plate outside where they collect coins. I'm not sure if you're required to pay, or if it's donations-based. The honor code actually works here though because nobody steals the money. Everyone puts down a coin or two in the plate and when I came out of the restroom, the pile actually got bigger. I don't think that would ever work in America...

The subway also runs on the honor system. There aren't any baffle gates with ticket receivers. Anyone can just hop on the subway, but the fine for getting caught is 44 euros (that's about 70+ dollars).

Smoking is so commonplace here. People love sitting outside and smoking. Life is a little more relaxed and slow-paced here. It took 30 minutes for my roommates coffee to arrive! Everyone enjoys sitting, drinking, smoking, and relaxing for long periods of time!

Everything is closed on Sundays.

My final adjustment for today is the water. There aren't any water fountains at Humboldt University. The host provided water for us and as each person took a sip of water I watched their face cringe. They definitely didn't warn us that mineral water was carbonated! This is also the water they serve in restaurants, and most of the juices are also carbonated. You get used to it, but the water still leaves you thirsty. (On the topic of water, soap does not get foamy with the tap water! When washing dishes or taking a shower, even prolonged scrubbing does not feel clean since soap suds don't form. I hear that's what happens with hard water?)


Anonymous said...

Wait you already left!? Wow so much for summer. You left me all alone in Tacoma, to fend off for myself. Actually you were never here to begin with and when you were I happened was back in Seattle. But it seems like you had an interesting adventure going to Berlin so far. You seem to keep yourself very busy. I can't seem to find anything to do in Tacoma. I seem go to sleep really early now and I've managed to pick up a couple of hobbies.
Oh ya the water in Europe, I'm not too fond of the whole sparkling water, but Orangina(Carbonated Orange Juice) is pretty good. I told you I'd write on your wall, now on to Prano's.

kooldavid17 said...

hey! when i came on here i was so excited to see the pictures! but what's this? no pictures?! :P

Unknown said...

Cultural oddities for me!! Those are great! You can ask for water without gas (gas=carbonation).

Yes, enjoy the slowness! I wish we were slower here, although coffee, people in Seattle want their coffee and they want it NOW! Haha. Good job learning patience(:

Sounds like you are having a great time. I like the pics too. Keep 'em coming.